Thursday, June 25, 2015

Our Journey South of the Equator, destination is Borobudur

The distance as the crow flies is 1060 nm, and this should be OK for the Mustang and the TBM. No problem fr the PC12.

But the air is very warm here and it is impacting our climb performances, plus we are going to a new airport closer to our hotel in Borobudur.

So we decide to land in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia.

As you can se on the first leg, we could not get anything more direct and the runway in use was the south one...perfect

An amazing service from the handler and the fuel truck was parked on front of us with seconds of shutting down

Tom was very close behind

There is a real FBO at this airport and great service

 We are now ready for the second leg, with an amended flight plan

The departure was a VFR one and I had to plead to get higher...

We used a number of shortcut and we made it with fuel to spare.

On this legs we demonstrated that the PC12 had a 5:15 flight time from Langkawi to Borobudur and even with our stop of 50 mn in Lumpur, we ere still on the ground about an hour before they arrived...

Nothing more to say

we are now south of the Equator

Forgot to mention there is a Cessna Service Center in Kuala Lumpur

This is Java and the sailed of the Volcanoes

The Indonesian island of Java is almost entirely of volcanic origin, and contains numerous volcanoes, 45 of which are considered active volcanoes. As is the case for many other Indonesian islands, volcanoes have played a vital role in the geological and human history of Java. Indeed, land is created on Java as a result of lava flows, ash deposits, and mud flows (lahars). Volcanoes are a major contributor to the immense fertility of Java, as natural erosion transports volcanic material as alluvium to the island's plains, forming thick layers of fertile sediment. The benefit is not just in the immediate vicinity of the volcano, with fine ash emitted from eruptions being dispersed over wide areas.

We are the first one to land with Air Journey in Jogyakarta.

The way the rabbit is set up give us the impression that there was a crane aligned with the runway and in our path

Took a good 5 seconds to see what was that

This is a very busy commercial airport with one runway and no taxiway

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